Support for issues not concerning NextGen

Help requests that we can respond to via "Ask for support", by phone or by e-mail, are limited to the NextGen scope, its use or problems encountered.

For some limited cases, as we can consult the engineering department of Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali, we have the possibility to offer the customer a confrontation on certain issues, for example regarding interpretation of a drawing in order to model it with NextGen. This is done as part of his software assistance contract.

This is not always possible: for broader problems that go beyond the NextGen scope or that concern important design choices in the context of a calculation, we are sometimes unable to offer support.

In these cases we suggest you:

  • if the problem can be solved by our design department by commissioning a calculation, request availability and an eventual quote to the department itself
  • if you want comfort or information on how to proceed to make a calculation, evaluate the possibility of a confrontation with your Authorized Inspector and/or with the customer

Author: Matteo Bagattini
Published: Mar 15, 2021

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